Welcome to the Sigma Theta Tau Iota Nu at-Large Chapter!



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Chapter News

  • Results of 2024 Officer Election

    Thank you to all who voted in our 2024 Officer Election. The following individuals have been elected and will begin serving on July 1, 2024:

    Vice-President - Nicole Fant (2-year term)

    Secretary - Meagan Parker (1-year term)

    Treasurer - Eva Bight (2-year term)

    Thank you again!

  • Spring 2024 Officer Election

    Please cast your vote for Secretary (1-year term) as well as Vice President and Treasurer (2-year terms) at the link below.

    Voting will close on May 20 at 5 p.m.

    Please direct any questions to Dixie Rose at drose@uttyler.edu

  • Call for nominations

    The call for nominations is open for the following positions within Iota Nu at-Large Chapter:

    Vice-President - 2 year term

    Secretary - 1 year term

    Treasurer - 2 year term

    Please send nominations to drose@uttyler.edu no later than May 13 at 5 p.m.

Chapter Events

International Events